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Naveen Atukorala

Software Engineer

I'm Naveen Atukorala and I'm 26 from Bandaragama. Bsc (Hons) in software engineering (Kothelawala Defense University)

Naveen Atukorala

What does a typical day working for AIClub look like for you?

The chance to work in high quality production level products related to AI(specially navigator), desire to work with such a quality team (since we have some experts in each domain(UI, Cloud, AI and ML) and the friendly working environment of Aiclub

What encouraged you to choose AIClub?      

The chance to work in high quality production level products related to AI(specially navigator), desire to work with such a quality team (since we have some experts in each domain(UI, Cloud, AI and ML) and the friendly working environment of Aiclub

What do you love most about your job?

As a software engineer, I always get a professional and personal satisfaction when a production level feature is developed and pushed to production by myself. Other than that i always enjoy when i learn something new related to software engineering technologies, concepts etc.

What's the best advice you've ever gotten?

Always have a can do attitude, dont say no, specially in software development industry almost anything is possible, just need the will to complete what you are supposed to do.

What does success mean to you?

Success improves the belief that i have in myself.

What's a unique or interesting fact that most people would not know about you?


Who inspires you?

Anyone whom i can learn from

What's your all-time favorite movie and why?

wolf of the wall street - story based on creative ideas


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